University charter

序 言

Tianjin Institute of Physical Education was founded in August 1958。It was formed by the merger of the former Tianjin Physical Education School and the Physical Education Department of Shijiazhuang Normal University。Tianjin Institute of Physical Education has always adhered to the socialist direction of running a school, based in Tianjin, radiating North China, serving the country and facing the world。The University has seized the opportunity to innovate and develop, and gradually formed the characteristics and advantages of running a school with physical education as the main discipline and the coordinated development of related disciplines. It has built a complete running system from undergraduate education to master's and doctoral education, and an open running pattern covering general higher education, adult education and international student education。

Chapter I General rules

Article 1 The Constitution is formulated in accordance with the Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Interim Measures for the Formulation of the Charter of Institutions of Higher Learning and other relevant laws and regulations, and in light of the actual situation of the university。

Article 2 Tianjin Institute of Sport is a full-time institution of higher learning, organized by Tianjin Municipal People's Government, and the administrative department is Tianjin Municipal Education Commission。The school is a non-profit institution. The organizer of the school guarantees the conditions for running the school and supports the school in running the school independently according to law。

The school is referred to as "TianJin Sports Institute" in Chinese and TianJin University of Sport in English。

第三条学校以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,Enhance the "Four consciousnesses",Strengthen the "four self-confidence",坚决维护习近平总书记党中央的核心、全党的核心地位,We will resolutely uphold the authority of the CPC Central Committee and its centralized and unified leadership,Comprehensively implement the Party's educational policy,Adhere to the Party's overall leadership and socialist direction in running schools。

Article 4 The University takes personnel training as the foundation, carries out teaching, training, scientific research, social services, cultural inheritance and innovation and international exchange and cooperation activities, and practically runs moral cultivation through the whole process of personnel training to ensure that the quality of education and teaching meets the standards set by the State。

Article 5 The university shall give priority to full-time higher academic education, at the same time carry out non-academic education and training, and provide lifelong education services。

Article 6 The University ADAPTS to the national and local needs, follows the law of personnel training, constantly adjusts and optimizes the discipline structure, takes physical education as the guide, promotes the coordinated development of multiple disciplines, and forms a comprehensive discipline layout with outstanding advantages, distinctive characteristics and coordinated development。

Article 7 The school implements the dean responsibility system under the leadership of the Committee of Tianjin Institute of Physical Education of the Communist Party of China (hereinafter referred to as the School Party Committee)。The university implements the governance model of Party committee leadership, dean responsibility, professors and democratic management。

Article 8 The University will comprehensively deepen the reform, strive to improve the governance system, enhance the governance capacity, constantly improve the quality, level and efficiency of running the school, and strive to build an internationally renowned, first-class, high-level and distinctive modern sports university at an early date。

Article 9 The motto of the school is: You must learn and act in a virtuous way。

Article 10 The main body of the school emblem is round, which reflects the spirit of Tianjin Institute of Physical Education of "unity, forging ahead and seeking common development";The emblem design conveys a deep and profound traditional cultural heritage, and the middle part of the school emblem represents the landmark building of Tianjin Institute of Sport, which breeds, carries and carries forward the specific campus culture。The six characters of the school name "Tianjin Institute of Physical Education" are evenly distributed in the upper part of the school emblem;The lower part of the ring is surrounded by capital letters "TIANJIN UNIVERSITY of Sport", indicating the broad mind and world feelings of Tianjin University of Sport, which integrates Chinese and Western aspects。"1958" is embedded at the bottom of the inner ring, indicating the time when the school was founded, indicating the rich humanistic spirit and rich historical accumulation of the school。The school emblem as a whole is calm and solemn, symbolizing strength, tenacity and ambition beyond all things。

Article 11 The university has two campuses, Tuanbo and Hexi, and the main campus is Tuanbo Campus。The legal registration place of the school is No. 16, Tokaido, West District, Tuanbo New Town, Jinghai District, Tianjin。The school shall adjust its school premises according to the needs of its business development, in accordance with state laws and policies, and with the consent of the sponsor and the competent department。

Chapter II Management system and organizational structure

Article 12 The school implements the dean responsibility system under the leadership of the Committee of Tianjin Institute of Physical Education of the Communist Party of China (hereinafter referred to as the School Party Committee)。The Party Committee of the University is the leadership core of the university, which performs various duties stipulated in the Party Constitution, grasps the development direction of the university, decides major issues of the university, supervises the implementation of major resolutions, supports the president to exercise his functions and powers independently and responsibly according to law, and ensures the completion of various tasks centered on personnel training。Its main responsibilities are:

1. Under the strong leadership of the Party,We will fully implement the Party's line, principles and policies,Implement the Party's educational policy,Adhere to the socialist direction of running schools,Persist in virtue and cultivate people,Run the school according to law,Relying on all teachers, students and staff to promote the scientific development of the school,To train builders and successors of the socialist cause who are fully developed in virtue, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor。

(2) To discuss and decide on major issues and basic management systems related to the reform, development and stability of the university, as well as teaching, training, scientific research and administrative management。

(3) Adhere to the principle of the Party's management of cadres, be responsible for the selection, education, training, assessment and supervision of cadres in accordance with the authority of cadres' management, discuss and decide on the establishment of internal organizations of the university and the selection of responsible persons, and recommend the candidates for leading cadres and reserve cadres at the school level in accordance with the relevant procedures。We will do a good job for veteran cadres。

(4) Adhere to the principle of the Party's management of talents, discuss and decide on the university's talent work plan and major talent policies, innovate the talent work system and mechanism, optimize the environment for the growth of talents, and coordinate the construction of various talents in the university。

(五)领导学校思想政治工作和德育工作,坚持用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想武装师生员工头脑,培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,牢牢掌握学校意识形态工作的领导权、管理权、话语权。Maintain the safety and stability of the school and promote the construction of a harmonious campus。

(6) Strengthen the construction of university culture, give full play to the role of culture in educating people, and cultivate a good school spirit, study style and teaching style。

(7) Strengthen the leadership of primary-level Party organizations in schools, do a good job of developing party members and their education, management and service, develop primary-level democracy within the Party, and give full play to the role of primary-level Party organizations as fighting fortresses and the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members。Strengthen the school party committee self-construction。

8. Implementing the main responsibility for building a clean government and Party conduct, and promoting the construction of a system for punishing and preventing corruption。

(9) To lead mass organizations such as the school trade union, the Communist Youth League, the Student Union, and the faculty and staff congress。We will do a good job in the united front。

(10) Discuss and decide on other important matters concerning the vital interests of teachers, students and staff。

The Party committee implements the combination of collective leadership and individual division of responsibility, adheres to democratic centralism, collectively discusses and decides major issues and important matters of the school, and members of the leading team perform their duties according to the division of labor。

The secretary of the Party Committee presides over the overall work of the Party committee, is responsible for organizing important activities of the Party committee, coordinating the work of the members of the leading team of the Party committee, urging and checking the implementation of the resolutions of the Party committee, taking the initiative to coordinate the working relationship between the Party committee and the president, and supporting the president in carrying out his work。

Article 13 The University Party Committee shall be elected by the University Party member congress for a term of five years。The Party Committee of the University presides over the regular work of the Party Committee, mainly makes decisions on the important matters of the reform, development and stability of the university, teaching, training, scientific research, administration and party building, and recommends, nominates and decides on the appointment or removal of cadres in accordance with the authority of cadre management and relevant procedures。The Party Committee shall be convened and presided over by the Secretary of the Party Committee。The topics of the meeting shall be proposed by the members of the school leadership team and determined by the Party secretary after comprehensive consideration。A meeting can only be convened if more than half of the Party committee members are present.When discussing and deciding on important matters such as the appointment and removal of cadres, more than two-thirds of the members of the Party committee should be present before the meeting。Matters shall be voted on by more than half of the members present。According to the needs of the meeting, relevant personnel may be summoned to attend, and the participants shall be approved by the Secretary of the Party Committee。

Article 14 The discipline inspection and supervision team of the Tianjin Discipline Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of China in Tianjin Institute of Physical Education shall perform the supervision responsibility of the school, strengthen the supervision of the school leadership and its members and the school Party committee management personnel, and strengthen the supervision of the school organs and secondary colleges。

Article 15 The president of the University shall be the legal representative of the University. Under the leadership of the University Party Committee, the president shall implement the educational policy of the Party, organize the implementation of relevant resolutions of the University Party Committee, exercise various functions and powers stipulated by the Higher Education Law, be fully responsible for teaching, training, scientific research and administrative management, and exercise the following functions and powers:

(1) To organize the drafting and implementation of the university's development plan, basic management system, important administrative rules and regulations, major teaching and research reform measures, and important school-running resource allocation plans。To organize the formulation and implementation of specific rules and regulations and annual work plans。

(2) To organize the formulation and implementation of the plan for the establishment of the school's internal organizational structure。To recommend candidates for vice presidents and appoint or remove heads of internal organizations in accordance with state laws and relevant provisions on cadre selection and appointment。

(3) To organize the formulation and implementation of university talent development plans, important talent policies and major talent project plans。Responsible for the construction of the teaching staff, the appointment and dismissal of teachers and other internal staff in accordance with relevant regulations。

(4) To organize the formulation and implementation of plans for major capital construction and annual funding budgets of the university。Strengthen financial management and audit supervision, manage and protect school assets。

(5) Organize and carry out teaching and training activities and scientific research, innovate the talent training mechanism, improve the quality of talent training, promote cultural inheritance and innovation, serve the national and local economic and social development, and make the school unique and strive for first-class。

(6) To organize and carry out ideological and moral education, be responsible for the management of students' school status and the implementation of awards or punishments, and carry out enrollment and employment work。

(7) Do a good job in school security, stability and logistics support。

(8) Organize and carry out international exchanges and cooperation of the University, sign cooperation agreements with governments at all levels, all sectors of society and overseas organizations on behalf of the University in accordance with the law, and accept social donations。

(9) To report to the Party Committee on the implementation of major resolutions, to report work to the faculty and staff congress, and to organize and deal with the administrative proposals of the faculty and staff congress, the student congress, the trade union member congress and the league member congress。Support the work of Party organizations at all levels, grass-roots organizations of democratic parties, mass organizations and academic organizations of the university。

(10) perform other functions and powers prescribed by laws and regulations and the school charter。

Article 16 The President's Office meeting is the administrative deliberation and decision-making body of the university. It mainly studies and puts forward plans for important matters to be discussed and decided by the Party Committee, specifically arranges relevant measures to implement the resolutions of the Party Committee, and researches and handles teaching, training, scientific research and administrative management。The meeting is convened and presided over by the President。The members of the meeting are generally members of the school administrative leadership team。The topics of the meeting are proposed by the members of the school leadership team and determined by the dean after comprehensive consideration。The meeting can only be held if more than half of the members are present。The President shall make decisions on matters to be discussed and studied on the basis of extensive consultation with the participants。Party secretary, deputy secretary, dispatched discipline inspection team leader, etc. may attend the meeting according to the subject matter。

Article 17 The university shall establish an academic committee in accordance with the Regulations of Academic Committee of Institutions of Higher Learning issued by the Ministry of Education。The Academic Council is the highest academic body of the university。Its main responsibilities are:

(1) To review plans for the construction of disciplines, specialties and faculty, as well as major academic plans for scientific research and international academic exchanges and cooperation。

(2) To review plans for the establishment of academic institutions, the construction of interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary collaborative innovation mechanisms, and the allocation of disciplinary resources。

(3) To examine the evaluation criteria and methods for the quality of teaching and research achievements and personnel training。

(4) To examine the standards and rules for the conferment of degrees, the training standards for academic qualification education, teaching plans and schemes, and the standards and methods for enrollment。

(5) To examine the academic standards and methods for the appointment of school teachers。

(6) Conducting academic evaluation, safeguarding academic ethics, and handling academic disputes。

(7) Other major matters that need to be decided by the Academic Committee。

Article 18 The University shall establish a academic degree evaluation committee。Its main responsibilities are:

(1) To be responsible for making decisions on the granting of doctoral and master's degrees, and to examine and approve the list of recipients of bachelor's degrees。

(2) The list of persons responsible for the nomination of honorary doctorate degrees shall be submitted to the competent authorities at higher levels for examination and approval。

(3) Adjudication of disputes over the award of academic degrees。

(4) To be responsible for the review of the qualifications of graduate instructors。

(5) To be responsible for the planning and construction of disciplines (places of study) in degree and postgraduate education and the deliberation of relevant major matters。

(6) To decide on other major matters concerning the conferring of academic degrees。

Article 19 The school shall establish a teaching Steering committee。Its main responsibilities are:

(1) To examine plans for the development and construction of education at all types and levels of the school, important teaching reform, teaching management reform, and teaching capital construction projects。

(2) To review personnel training programs and teaching plans, review teaching results, and guide teaching evaluation。

(3) To study and consult the school's disciplinary and professional Settings and adjustment plans。

(4) To examine and consult other important educational and teaching matters entrusted by the consulting school。

Article 20 The University Faculty and staff Congress is an important organizational form for all faculty and staff to participate in the democratic management and supervision of the university according to law under the leadership of the University Party Committee。The University respects and supports the participation of the faculty and staff congress in the democratic management and supervision of the university, and urges relevant units to implement the relevant resolutions and proposals of the faculty and staff Congress。The functions and powers of the School Staff Congress are:

(1) Listen to the report on the formulation and revision of the draft charter of the school, and put forward opinions and suggestions for revision。

(2) To listen to the reports on the university's development plan, the construction of the faculty and staff, education and teaching reform, campus construction, and other major reforms and solutions to major problems, and to put forward opinions and suggestions。

(3) Listen to the annual work of the school, financial work, trade union work reports and other special work reports, and put forward opinions and suggestions。

(4) Discuss and adopt the welfare and on-campus distribution implementation plans directly related to the interests of the faculty and staff proposed by the university, as well as the corresponding methods for the appointment, assessment, reward and punishment of the faculty and staff。

(5) Review the report on the handling of the proposal of the last session (s) of the Faculty and Staff Congress of the University。

(6) Evaluate leading cadres of the university in accordance with relevant work regulations and arrangements。

(7) Put forward opinions and suggestions on the work of the school through various means, supervise the implementation of the school's statutes, rules and regulations and decisions, and put forward suggestions and suggestions for rectification。

(viii) Discuss other matters stipulated by laws, regulations and agreed upon by the school and the school union。

Article 21 The University supports democratic parties to carry out activities in accordance with their articles of association。The University supports trade unions, Communist Youth League and other mass organizations to carry out activities in accordance with their statutes。

Article 22 The school shall set up various non-permanent institutions as needed。The establishment and cancellation of non-permanent institutions at the college level shall be decided by the Party Committee or the office meeting of the President of the University according to their different natures。

Chapter III Teaching and research institutions

Article 23 The school shall implement a two-level management system。

The secondary college is the organization and implementation unit of personnel training, scientific research, discipline construction, international exchange and social services, and implements self-management within the scope of authorization of the university。

Article 24 The dean of the second-level college is the administrative person in charge of the unit, responsible for teaching (training), scientific research, administrative management and other daily work of the unit。Its main responsibilities are:

(1) According to the deployment and authorization of the school, formulate the development plan of the unit, carry out discipline construction, teacher team construction, curriculum construction and teaching (training), and organize scientific research and other academic activities。

(2) Formulate the internal working rules and methods of the unit, set up the internal organs of the unit, and carry out effective management。

(3) To serve students and be responsible for their education and management。

(4) To administer and use the school-running funds, equipment and assets approved by the University。

(5) Exercise other functions and powers entrusted by the University。

Article 25 The main responsibilities of the Party organization of the secondary college:

(1) To publicize and implement the Party's line, principles and policies and the university's decisions, and to play a role in ensuring and supervising their implementation。

(2) The Party organization meeting of the second-level college shall study and decide on the work related to Party building, including the appointment of cadres and the construction of party members。The party organization of the secondary college first studies and then submits to the joint meeting of the Party and government to decide on major matters involving the direction of running the school, the construction of the faculty, and the vital interests of teachers and staff。Support the executive leadership team and principals to work independently and responsibly within their areas of responsibility。

(3) Strengthen Party organizations' ideological construction, organizational construction, style construction, system construction, and anti-corruption and integrity construction。

(d) In the introduction of teachers, curriculum construction, selection of teaching materials, academic activities and other major issues, strengthen the guidance of the academic organization of secondary colleges, implement the ideological responsibility system, strengthen the "one report for one meeting" and "one report for one event" system, and manage all kinds of ideological and cultural positions。

(5) Strengthen the guidance and promotion of the work of teachers and students' party branches, formulate assessment and evaluation methods for the work of teachers and students' party branches, establish a list of responsibilities, refine responsibility requirements, and strengthen supervision and inspection。The members of the party organization team of the secondary college should contact the teachers and the student party branch in combination with the division of labor, ensure that each teacher and student party branch has frequent contact and timely guidance, and promote the tasks of party construction to fall to the teacher and student branch。

(6) To lead trade unions, Communist Youth League, student union and other mass organizations of the unit and the faculty and staff congress。

Article 26 The secondary colleges implement the Party and government joint meeting system to discuss and decide major matters collectively。The members of the Party and government joint meeting of the second-level college are generally members of the leading team of the unit, mainly including the Party committee of the second-level college (general Party branch, directly under the Party branch), the vice president of the second-level college, the secretary of the discipline inspection committee (discipline inspection committee), etc.;According to the topics, the party and government leaders jointly agreed on other relevant personnel to attend the meeting。

Article 27 The secondary college shall establish an academic sub-committee。The academic sub-committee of the secondary College shall, in accordance with the authorization of the school and its own statutes, review and put forward opinions and suggestions on the major setting, discipline construction, teacher appointment, academic evaluation, teaching guidance and other matters of the department。

In principle, the academic sub-committee of the secondary college is composed of professors, associate professors or other senior professional and technical personnel, and the members are democratically elected by the faculty and staff of the unit, and approved by the joint meeting of the Party and government of the unit。

Article 28 Secondary colleges shall set up teaching and research departments and research institutes (centers) as needed。The teaching and research department and research institute (center) shall carry out the work authorized by the unit, and its establishment and removal shall be discussed and decided by the joint meeting of the Party and government of the unit, and shall be reported to the relevant functional departments of the university for the record。

Article 29 A research institution under the University is an institution directly under the University with scientific research as its main task, which is set up according to the discipline development plan or the needs of major research tasks, and performs corresponding duties in accordance with the regulations of the University。

Chapter IV Teaching staff

Article 30 Teaching and learning personnel include teachers, other professional and technical personnel, administrative personnel and workers。

Article 31 The school shall implement a system of teacher qualifications and other professional and technical qualifications。The school encourages and supports faculty and staff with appropriate qualifications to obtain teacher qualifications and other professional and technical qualifications through prescribed procedures。

Article 32 The University shall implement a post appointment system。According to the approved production number of Tianjin Municipality and the actual situation of the school, professional and technical posts, management posts and labor posts shall be set up。

The University shall, in accordance with the post requirements, follow the principles of fair competition, equality and voluntariness, and consensus through consultation. The legal representative or authorized agent of the University shall sign the employment contract or labor contract with the employees, and enjoy the benefits in accordance with the national policies and contract provisions。

Article 33 The University shall, in accordance with the principles of fairness, fairness and openness, regularly assess the performance of the appointed faculty and staff, and the assessment results shall be used as the basis for their appointment, promotion, reward and punishment, and dismissal。

Article 34 The University will incorporate teacher ethics into the assessment and evaluation system of teaching and staff, and take it as the primary standard for performance evaluation, appointment (employment) and evaluation and reward。

Article 35 The University shall award faculty and staff who have made outstanding achievements in teaching, training, scientific research and administration。Faculty and staff who violate laws, regulations, school rules and employment contracts shall be punished and dealt with according to relevant provisions。

Article 36 The teaching and staff of the school shall enjoy the following rights:

(1) Use the school's public resources and enjoy welfare benefits according to regulations。

(2) Equitable access to appropriate job opportunities and conditions necessary for one's own development。

(3) equitably obtain teacher qualifications and other professional and technical qualifications, and obtain opportunities for evaluation and employment of professional and technical posts。

(4) Fair access to all kinds of awards and honorary titles at all levels。

(5) Equitable access to study, exchange and further education opportunities at home and abroad。

(6) To be fairly evaluated in terms of character, ability and performance。

(7) Participate in the democratic management, and put forward opinions and suggestions on the reform, construction and development of the school and major matters concerning the vital interests。

(8) To express objections and lodge appeals on matters such as job title evaluation and employment, welfare benefits, merit evaluation and awards, and disciplinary actions。

(9) Other rights stipulated by laws and regulations, school rules, employment contracts or labor contracts。

Article 37 The teaching and staff of the school shall perform the following obligations:

(1) Abide by the Constitution, laws and professional ethics, abide by the rules and regulations of the school, and be a model for teachers。

(2) Dedication, hard work, and constantly improve the teaching, training, scientific research, administrative management capabilities and quality。

(3) Care for and love all students, respect their personality, and promote their all-round development in moral, intellectual and physical aspects。

(4) To stop acts that are harmful to students or other acts that infringe upon students' legitimate rights and interests, and to criticize and resist phenomena that are harmful to students' healthy growth。

(5) Love and honor the school, cherish and safeguard the reputation of the school, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the school。

(6) Other obligations stipulated in laws and regulations, school rules and regulations, employment contracts or labor contracts。

Article 38 The University attaches great importance to the welfare and benefits of its teaching and staff, independently determines the income growth mechanism commensurate with its own development level according to law, and reports it to the higher competent authorities for the record。

Article 39 The University establishes a mechanism to protect the rights and interests of faculty and staff, sets up a faculty and staff appeal committee, accepts the appeals of faculty and staff in accordance with the prescribed procedures, and protects the legitimate rights and interests of faculty and staff。

Chapter V Students

Article 40 A student refers to an educatee who has been admitted and registered by a school according to law and has a school status。

In accordance with social needs, state policies, school-running conditions and school-running scale approved by the state, the University independently adjusts the enrollment ratio of undergraduate majors and the enrollment ratio of various types of postgraduate students, formulates enrollment plans and announces them to the public。

Article 41 The school shall commend and reward the students who have outstanding performance, and give criticism, education and disciplinary sanctions to the students who have violated rules, disciplines and laws。

Article 42 Students shall stay within the term prescribed by the school,Complete the credits of the program,Graduation is granted if graduation requirements are met,Certificate of graduation issued by the school;Students who meet the criteria for awarding a degree,The corresponding degree certificate shall be awarded by the university;Students who do not meet the requirements for graduation,The corresponding certificate of completion, associate study or study certificate shall be issued in accordance with the regulations of the State。

Article 43 Students shall enjoy the following rights during their stay at school:

(1) Participate in various activities arranged by the school's education and teaching plan, and use the education and teaching resources provided by the school。

(2) Participate in social services, work-study, organize and participate in student groups and recreational sports activities on campus。

(3) Applying for scholarships, grants and student loans。

(4) To obtain a fair evaluation in terms of ideology, moral character, academic performance, etc., and to obtain the corresponding academic certificate or degree certificate after completing the school's required studies。

(5) To lodge an appeal with the school or the administrative department of education if there is any objection to the sanction or treatment given by the school;To lodge a complaint or bring a lawsuit against the school or its teaching staff for infringement of their lawful rights and interests such as personal rights and property rights。

(6) Other rights provided for by laws and regulations。

Article 44 Students shall perform the following obligations during their stay at school:

(1) Abide by the Constitution, laws and regulations。

(2) Abide by the school management system。

(3) Study hard and complete the required studies。

(4) Pay tuition fees and related fees as required, and fulfill the corresponding obligations of obtaining student loans and grants。

(5) Abide by the code of conduct of students, respect teachers, and develop good ideological and moral character and behavioral habits。

(6) Other obligations stipulated by laws and regulations。

Article 45 The University establishes a student financial aid system to ensure that students will not be affected by family financial difficulties in their studies and provide necessary assistance to students who encounter other special difficulties in study and life。

Article 46 The University supports students to form associations in accordance with laws and regulations of the University。The student association shall, under the leadership of the university Party Committee and the guidance, supervision and management of the University Youth League Committee, carry out activities in accordance with laws and regulations and the provisions of the university。

Article 47 The University regularly holds student congresses and graduate student congresses to encourage and support students to participate in the democratic management and supervision of the University。The main responsibilities of the Student Congress and Graduate Student Congress are:

(1) Listen to and review the work reports of the leading bodies of the Student Union and the Graduate Student Union。

(2) Elect a new leading body of the Student Union and graduate Student Union。

(3) To formulate the statutes of the Student Union, the Graduate Student Union and other important rules and regulations。

(d) Discuss major reform programs and important rules and regulations related to students' rights。

(5) To collect and reflect the suggestions and opinions of student representatives on the work of the University。

(6) Other functions and powers prescribed by laws, regulations and rules and conferred by the University。

When the student congress and graduate student congress are not in session, the student Union and graduate student Union shall exercise their functions and powers。The University provides necessary working conditions and financial support for the Student Union and graduate Student Union to ensure that they carry out activities in accordance with the regulations。

Article 48 The University establishes a sound mechanism to protect students' rights, sets up a student appeal committee, accepts students' appeals in accordance with the prescribed procedures, and protects the legitimate rights and interests of students。

Chapter VI Finance, assets and logistics

Article 49 The sources of funds for a school mainly include financial appropriations, income from undertakings, income from subsidies at higher levels, income handed over by affiliated units, income from business operations and other income。The school actively expands the sources of educational funds and raises educational funds through various channels。

Article 50 The University adopts a financial management system of "unified leadership and centralized management"。The university implements a budget management system, adheres to the principle of "keeping expenditure within revenue and balancing revenue and expenditure", and establishes a budget management system including daily fund budget, special fund budget and capital construction budget。

Article 51 The University improves the financial supervision mechanism, establishes and improves the financial budget and final accounts, economic responsibility, financial disclosure and audit supervision and other systems to ensure the safe operation of funds。

Article 52 The state-owned assets of a university include assets formed with state financial funds, assets transferred by the State to colleges and universities without compensation, assets formed by using state-owned assets to organize income in accordance with state policies and regulations, and other assets that are legally recognized as state assets,Its manifestations are current assets, fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets and foreign investment。The school shall independently manage and use the state-owned assets owned and used by its own unit according to law。

Article 53 The University improves the management mechanism of state-owned assets, realizes "unified leadership, centralized management, hierarchical responsibility, and responsibility to the person", improves the efficiency of the use of assets, and realizes the preservation and appreciation of assets。

The school maintains the safety of all types of assets and prevents risks in the operation of state-owned assets。Without the authorization of the school legal person or the state-owned assets management department entrusted by the legal person, no unit, institution, group or individual shall operate the school assets without authorization。In case of violation of the regulations, the university shall take measures according to law and investigate the responsibility。

Article 54 The University shall protect and rationally use intellectual property rights such as the name and reputation of the University according to law。

Article 55 The University improves the logistics management and service system, strengthens the construction of a safe campus, and provides guarantees for the study, work and life of students and staff。

Chapter 7: School and Society

Article 56 The University actively carries out cooperation with relevant government departments, international organizations such as sports, education and scientific research, enterprises and institutions, and social organizations to promote collaborative innovation。

Article 57 The University takes various forms to strengthen the contact with alumni, actively provide support and services to alumni, regularly inform alumni of the development of the university, listen to alumni's opinions and suggestions。

Article 58 The University accepts donations of various forms from all walks of life at home and abroad to expand educational resources and improve educational conditions。

Article 59 The school takes the initiative to accept social supervision and evaluation, implements an information disclosure system, and releases school-running information to the public in a timely manner。

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions

Article 60 The amendments to the articles of Association shall be proposed by the dean, submitted to the faculty and staff Congress of the University for discussion, reviewed by the Dean's office meeting, discussed and approved by the Party Committee of the University, and submitted to the Tianjin Education Commission for approval。The process of amending the articles of association should reflect the principles of democracy and openness。

Article 61 The Constitution is the basic standard for the operation of the School。The rules and regulations formulated by the School before this Charter takes effect shall be amended or repealed in accordance with the relevant contents of this charter if they are inconsistent with this charter。The Party Committee of the University supervises the implementation of the Articles of Association and accepts reports and complaints about acts and activities in violation of the Articles of Association。

Article 62 The power of interpretation of the regulations shall be vested in the University Party Committee。

Article 63 After being approved by the Tianjin Education Commission, the Charter shall be issued by the school to the public。These articles of Association shall come into force on the date of promulgation。