School profile
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Tianjin Institute of Physical Education was founded in August 1958。当时,According to the CPC Hebei Provincial Committee "10-15 years of universal higher education policy and meet the needs of education and sports development",And to prepare for the first games of the People's Republic of China held in Beijing in September 1959,Hebei Provincial People's Committee decided on Tianjin, the capital city of Hebei Province,The former Tianjin Physical Education School and the Physical Education Department of Shijiazhuang Normal University were merged,At the same time, the province selected outstanding athletes,Set up Tianjin Institute of Physical Education。The mission of the College is to train athletes, coaches and some high school and university physical education teachers and more advanced physical education professionals。Li Gengtao, then vice governor of Hebei Province, Party secretary and mayor of Tianjin, served as the first president。In January 1967, Tianjin was restored as a municipality directly under the Central Government.In October 1969, Tianjin Institute of Physical Education was transferred from Hebei Province to Tianjin Municipality。

In the early days, the school brought together a group of excellent coaches and athletes, with a high level of competitive sports, wrestling, women's diving, swimming, men's basketball, baseball and other sports achievements have ranked first in China。At the first National Games, he won three gold MEDALS in classical, freestyle and Chinese wrestling。At the same time, a group of well-known experts and scholars are teaching in the school, such as Chen Jiaqi, Ma Yu, Niu Xinghua, Chai Wenxiu, Liu Shifan, Zheng Bita, Yao Zhizhen, Zhang Chunpei, Ren Fuxing, etc。

Tuanbo Campus is located in Health Industrial Park, West of Tuanbo New Town, Jinghai District, covering an area of 1115.7 acres, all kinds of school buildings total area of about 38.860,000 square meters, put into use in November 2017。The total value of teaching and scientific research equipment is more than 190 million yuan。The construction area of the new school library is nearly 1.780,000 square meters, the total amount of paper literature collection 44.20,000 copies, 851 kinds of paper journals, 45 databases, a total of 1.04 million copies of electronic books, a total of 1.27 million copies of electronic journals。

The school has trained more than 30,000 applied talents welcomed by the society for the national sports and education front, and emerged national advanced workers, national excellent physical education teachers, provincial and municipal model workers, national team coaches and gold medal athletes。The school has made pioneering work in the fields of mass sports and national fitness, youth physical survey and evaluation, sports energy metabolism, Chinese bone age and development standards, sports information, and sports legal construction。

At present, the university offers 18 undergraduate programs, including education, management, literature, art, science and medicine。In 1979, it began to enroll master's students, and in 1986, it obtained the right to confer master's degrees. In 2013, it passed the acceptance of the project construction of the doctoral degree authorization unit, and was officially approved by the Academic Degrees Committee of The State Council as the "doctoral degree awarding unit", and the first-level discipline of physical education was approved as the "doctoral degree authorization discipline".。The university has more than 6,500 full-time students, including 4,939 undergraduates, 68 doctoral students, 1,274 master's students and 67 international students。

The university has 594 staff members, including 57 full-time teachers with senior titles and 127 associate senior titles.Among the full-time teachers, 97 have a doctoral degree and 286 have a master's degree。Selected 1 national excellent teaching team, 14 Tianjin excellent teaching team, Tianjin "12th Five-Year" teaching innovation team 3。There are 4 experts enjoying the special government allowance of The State Council, 1 national famous teacher, 8 Tianjin famous teacher, and 15 other provincial and ministerial level talent titles。The university currently has 43 doctoral supervisors and 197 master supervisors。

The school has continuously strengthened the central position of teaching work, implemented a series of programs and measures to deepen teaching reform and improve teaching quality, and achieved a number of landmark results。2013年,The major of sports human science has been approved as the first batch of comprehensive reform pilots of undergraduate majors in local universities of the Ministry of Education's "Undergraduate Teaching Project",The special education major was approved as the municipal comprehensive reform pilot;The year 2017,Five majors, including physical education, sports training, social sports guidance and management, sports human science, and applied psychology, have been approved as advantageous specialty construction projects in Tianjin,Seven majors, including martial arts and traditional national sports, dance, educational technology, journalism, marketing, special education and sports rehabilitation, have been approved as applied professional construction projects in Tianjin。The four majors of physical education, sports training, social sports guidance and management, and sports rehabilitation of our school have successively been approved as national first-class undergraduate major construction points, and the majors of dance, special education, and journalism have successively been approved as Tianjin first-class undergraduate major construction points。Two national quality resource-sharing courses have been established,1 national boutique video open course,4 national quality courses,8 excellent courses in Tianjin,2 "Party History Thematic Course Ideological and Political Excellence Courses" in Tianjin primary and secondary schools,4 excellent courses of ideological and political reform in Tianjin universities in the new era,9 Tianjin university curriculum ideological and political demonstration courses,1 national first-class undergraduate course,24 first-class undergraduate construction courses in Tianjin。Four experimental teaching centers were awarded the title of "Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Tianjin Ordinary Colleges and Universities", and one experimental teaching center was approved as the municipal virtual simulation experimental teaching center of Tianjin。6 virtual simulation experiment teaching projects were identified as "Tianjin Virtual Simulation Experiment Teaching Construction Projects"。Since 2001, our school's teaching achievements have won 1 national teaching achievements and 1 second prize, another 10 teaching achievements have won the Tianjin level teaching achievements and 8 teaching achievements have won the second and third prizes of the State General Administration of Sport。Since 2013, our school has won 209 national and municipal college students' innovation and entrepreneurship training programs。

The school has significant disciplinary advantages. In the fourth round of national discipline evaluation in 2017, the first-level discipline of physical education of our school was awarded A-grade。Sports human science and sports humanities and sociology are the traditional superior disciplines of our university and the first batch of Tianjin key disciplines。Physical education was selected into the list of Tianjin first-class discipline construction, and special education and sports health were selected into the list of Tianjin characteristic discipline (group) construction。The university currently has the Key Laboratory of "Psychological and Physiological Regulation of Competitive Sports" of the State General Administration of Sport, the Key Laboratory of "Sports Physiology and Sports Medicine" of Tianjin, the Key Research Base of Sports Social Sciences of the State General Administration of Sport, the Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences of Tianjin Colleges and Universities, the Research Base of Sports Culture of the State General Administration of Sport, and the physical Education teaching Research of the Ministry of EducationA number of provincial and ministerial level key laboratories and scientific research institutions。The university's three teams of "Psychology and sports behavior Promotion", "Basis and Application of sports mitochondrial Biology" and "Sports rehabilitation and Prevention of several major chronic diseases" were selected as the Tianjin University innovative science and Technology team training program。"Student Physique and Physical and Mental Health Promotion Research Center" was awarded as the Tianjin University think tank, and won the title of "2018-2019 Tianjin Excellent University Think Tank Construction Project"。The "National Physique and Active Health" think tank was successfully selected as the first batch of science and technology innovation think tanks in Tianjin to focus on and promote the construction。The school's physical fitness Testing Center was approved as "Tianjin Social Science Popularization Demonstration Base"。The school cooperated with Tianjin University to build the first "Smart Sports Collaborative Innovation Center" in China.,Co-established the "Sports Nutrition and Health Industry-University-Research Cooperative Practice Base" with the College of Health Science and Engineering of Tianjin University of Chinese Medicine,It has signed contracts with Chongli District of Peking University Third Hospital, Chongli District People's Government of Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, and Tianjin Health Industry International Cooperation Demonstration Zone Management Committee,Build Chongli Ice and snow sports center。Xizang Qamdo Special Education School sports rehabilitation training Center for special children has been put into use。

The scientific research strength of the university has been continuously enhanced。In recent years, it has undertaken 431 scientific research projects at the national, provincial and ministerial levels。Among them, the National Science and Technology support plan project 1,National key research and development plan project project 1,Project 1 of the National Defense Science and Technology Strategy Pilot Program,1 major international cooperative research project of National Natural Science Foundation of China,National Natural Science Foundation project 10,There are 2 key projects of the National Social Science Foundation, 2 late funded projects, and 26 general and youth projects,Ministry of Education humanities and social science research fund projects 25,The Ministry of Education, philosophy and social science research late funding project 2,There are 3 general projects of national education science planning and 1 special project for youth of the Ministry of Education,Tianjin Education Science "12th Five-Year Plan" project 30, "13th Five-Year Plan" project 25, 2021 Tianjin Education science planning project 9 (including 1 major project),There are 259 provincial and ministerial scientific research projects such as Tianjin Major Science and Technology Research, Tianjin Technology Platform Special Project, Tianjin Application basic key and general projects, Sports Social Science Fund and Olympic Science and Technology Research Project of the State General Administration of Sport, and Tianjin Philosophy and Social Science Fund Project,There are 31 undergraduate teaching quality and teaching reform research projects in Tianjin,Ministry of Education new liberal Arts research and reform practice project 1,Tianjin new liberal arts research and reform practice project 3。He has won 24 provincial and ministerial awards for his scientific research achievements, published more than 160 works, edited books, teaching materials and reference books, and published more than 2,000 academic papers。

The Journal of Tianjin University of Sport, sponsored by the University, is the source journal of China Social Science Citation Index, the core journal of Sports in the General Catalog of Chinese Core Journals, the source journal of Science Citation Database, and the selected Core Journal of China Science and Technology in 2021.It has been included as a source magazine by more than 10 well-known search institutions at home and abroad。In the "2021 Annual Ranking of Reproduction Index of newspaper Materials", the journal won the 6th place in the volume of physical education journals, the 9th place in the reprint rate, and the 7th place in the comprehensive index。Ranked 9th (Q1) in the 2021 China Academic Journal Impact Factor (Sports Science)。In 2021, Journal of Tianjin Institute of Sport was shortlisted and displayed in the selection of exhibition journals of the 28th Beijing International Book Fair as "China's quality Journals"。

The school attaches great importance to the cultivation of high-level competitive sports talents,Rowing, rugby, badminton, baseball, tennis and other sports are the traditional advantages of the college of competitive sports,As coaches and athletes, our teachers and students have achieved excellent results in the Olympic Games, World Cup, Asian Games, National Games and other competitions,It has great influence both at home and abroad。In April 2014, our school signed a co-construction agreement with Tianjin Sports Bureau to set up Tianjin rowing team, rugby team, badminton team and sailing team, which successively won two gold MEDALS, two silver MEDALS and four bronze MEDALS on behalf of Tianjin in the 13th and 14th National Games。In 2021, a number of students from our school were selected to the Chinese Sports delegation to participate in the Tokyo Olympic Games, and one student won the bronze medal of women's eight OARS coxswingers in the Tokyo Olympic Games。The students of our school served as the test skaters of the steel frame snowmobile project of the Beijing Winter Olympics, contributing to the celestial power of the Winter Olympics。At present, the college is trying to expand new sports projects, actively explore the new mode and new way of combining physical education and training high-level competitive talents under the new situation, and make greater contributions to the development of sports in Tianjin and the whole country。The school cooperates with the Chinese Volleyball Association to build the Chinese Volleyball Academy, with the Chinese Judo Association to build the Chinese Judo Academy, with the Chinese Baseball Association to build the Chinese Baseball Academy, to undertake the work of the chairman unit of the National School Sports League (football project), and with the Tianjin Baodi District People's Government to build the Tianjin Sports Institute Water Sports College。

The school attaches great importance to open education, constantly strengthens foreign cooperation and exchanges, and has established friendly relations with more than 20 well-known foreign universities and sports colleges such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Poland and Germany。The school adheres to the national strategy of "One Belt, One Road" and "Chinese Culture going Global","Tianjin International Students Martial Arts Culture Experience Base" was first established in Tianjin universities.,The 19th International Association for Girls and Women in Sport (IAPESGW) World Congress,Jointly build Luban Workshop with Tianjin Medical College,Promote the Chinese martial arts "going out" strategy landing,It has enhanced the influence and popularity of the school at home and abroad。

After 64 years of development,The school has gradually formed the characteristics and advantages of running a school with physical education as the main subject and the coordinated development of related disciplines,It has built a complete education system from undergraduate education to master's and doctoral education,And an open school-running pattern covering general higher education, adult education and international student education,To become a modern sports institution of higher learning with great influence at home and abroad。

Look to the future,The school will adhere to and strengthen the overall leadership of the Party,Hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,Firmly safeguard the "two established principles",Resolutely achieve "two maintenance",Comprehensively implement the Party's educational policy,Adhere to education for the party, education for the country,Strive to improve the school governance system,Improve school governance capacity,It will effectively run through the whole process of talent training,Continuously improve the quality, level and efficiency of running schools,Train socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor,To build a world-class sports university,Strive to achieve the strategic goal of a healthy China and a powerful sports country!

Tuanbo Campus Address: No. 16, Dongkaido, West District, Tuanbo New Town, Jinghai District, Tianjin, Zip code: 301617

Add: No.51 Weijin South Road, Hexi District, Tianjin 300381, China


School office 

May 25, 2022